5 Key Ingredients Your Mobile Content Marketing Strategy Needs in 2018 | Fubbi

5 Key Ingredients Your Mobile Content Marketing Strategy Needs in 2018

Make Your Mobile Content Stand Out From the Rest

When creating your content marketing strategy, you need to look beyond the desktop. More people access web content using mobile devices than they do using desktops. This means your mobile content strategy needs to be on point.

As a result, you need to think about how your content is getting delivered to readers across all devices. Think of it like a recipe. If you use the right ingredients, you’ll come up with a great end product.

But what ingredients do you need to create a great content marketing strategy? That’s a question that we hope to answer here.

Ingredient #1 – Understanding Your Readers

Your content may already look great on a mobile device. It’s clear on screens of any size, plus you’ve optimized it so it looks the part. It doesn’t even matter what mobile device brands or the browsers your readers use.

That’s all great, but you also need to think about how people read your content. Some people may be lounging at home and reading your content, which means they have the time to read full articles. Others may skim through it quickly to try and find the information they need because they don’t have much time.

As a result, your mobile content marketing strategy needs to focus on how people read your content. You must get your point across quickly, so the skimmers have the information they need. However, you should also offer more in-depth info for those who want it.

Ingredient #2 – Personalization

According to a recent post on HubSpot, personalized content outperforms non-personalized content by 42% when it comes to conversions. As a result, you should think about how you can offer content that suits the direct needs of your readers.

To do this, you’re going to have the use the information that your users share with you. A mobile user’s browsing habits on your website offer insight into what they’re looking for.

Use this information to try and deliver relevant content to them as they browse your site, instead of making them try to find it themselves.

Ingredient #3 – Understand How Conversion Works

What would you count as a conversion? For many people, a conversion is a sale that comes from the content they post. At the very least, it’s an enquiry a customer makes about the content.

However, conversions stretch much further than that when you bring mobile into the equation. Your content marketing strategy needs to contain the full range of mobile conversions that could benefit your business.

Yes, getting users to interact with or buy from you is still important. But so too is getting them to download an eBook, sign up to your newsletter, or share your content on social media. You need to write content with several conversion funnels in mind. Don’t only create content that focuses on sales.

Ingredient #4 – Use Geolocation

Practically every modern device can detect the user’s location. This geolocation technology offers you a great way to engage customers based on their locations, as well as their interests.

You can use geolocation for all sorts of things. For example, you could send targeted sales messages to your users when they are near one of your stores. Alternatively, you could use a customer’s location to send market research surveys their way.

Think about how other technologies, such as Siri and Google Now, leverage the user’s location to provide a better service. You can do the same if you use geolocation to provide targeted information to your users.

Ingredient #5 – More than Words

Written content is great, but there are many other ways to deliver your message. Take Instagram as an example. You can use this social media platform to create short videos, which can tell your company’s story in a different way. The same goes for infographics and other visual tools.

On top of that, you need to make social engagement as simple as possible. As well as trying to talk to customers directly, make it easier for them to share your content with others.

Using “share” and “like” buttons allows customers to put your content in front of other people. This expands your reach and drives engagement.


Your mobile content marketing strategy should involve much more than shrinking your writing down so that it looks okay on a small screen. You need to think about how your users read, interact with, and share your content.

Mobile devices offer several technologies that you can take advantage of to deliver content. By incorporating these ingredients into your content recipe, you can drive engagement and sales.

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