7 Affordable Lead Generation Ideas for B2B | Fubbi

7 Affordable Lead Generation Ideas for B2B

Struggle No More Thanks to These B2B Lead Generation Tactics

Your business-to-business (B2B) lead generation campaign can have a massive effect on your company’s bottom line. Get it right, and there’s potential to generate millions of dollars. The right business partners can open the doors to all sorts of opportunities. Get it wrong and you fail to capitalize on the many opportunities that are out there because you can’t make the connections you need to access them.

To help you along, we’ve come up with a list of seven affordable lead generation ideas for B2B.

Idea #1 – Fix the Leaks

Before you start looking outwards, you need to fix the problems that may be preventing your current B2B leads from converting. Think of a leaky bucket. You can pour as much water as you want into it, but most of that water will disappear.

Apply that analogy to a broken B2B campaign. You may attract leads, but they’re worthless if you can’t retain them. Work on optimizing website forms and ensuring your marketing funnel is as efficient as possible. For the former, there are plenty of tools online that can help. Fixing your leaks makes your current lead generation activities more efficient. It also makes the rest of these ideas more effective.

Idea #2 – Reach Out to Thought Leaders

Networking with the leading minds in your field is an effective lead generation strategy. On the customer side of things, you can generate leads through association. However, linking up with industry thought leaders can also benefit your B2B campaigns.

Use social media websites, like LinkedIn, to start conversations with industry leaders. Arrange interviews so you can create content based on their ideas. Other businesses will learn just as much as you do from the content you create. That makes you a source of good information, which results in more businesses getting in touch with you.

Idea #3 – Focus Your Blogging Strategy

Everybody blogs in the modern digital environment. It’s priority number one for almost anybody who operates a business website. As a result, a basic blog isn’t going to do much when it comes to generating B2B leads.

That means you need to adjust your strategy and find a focus for your blog. The content you write needs to answer the questions that your readers have. Those who work in your industry will see you as an authority on your subject, whereas those who use your industry’s services will also look to you for answers. To get started, take a look at your current business correspondence. You’re looking for questions that only you can answer. Write these questions down, then create blog posts that provide answers for a more general business audience.

Idea #4 – Meet People

Your digital strategy will be a great source of B2B leads. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the tried and trusted B2B lead generation tactics. Getting out there and meeting people is just as important as creating a strong online presence.

Look out for industry events, conferences, and trade shows. All these offer you the opportunity to meet people in your industry. Set up a stall to get people to come to you or go around and talk to as many people as you can. Such events tend to have a more relaxed atmosphere, which makes them a great way to pick up some B2B leads.

Idea #5 – Try Email Marketing

Email marketing has existed for so long for a simple reason: it works. That’s why so many companies make it a part of their content marketing strategy. How you use email will determine how effective it is for B2B lead generation. Sending out as many emails as you can will turn people off. You’ll find yourself relegated to the spam folder, which thwarts your efforts to generate leads.

Instead, think about how you can target your emails to the recipients. Do you have a specific product or service that suits the recipient’s needs? Or, are you looking to introduce yourself to prospective partners? Whatever the case may be, make sure your emails reflect your aims before you send them out.

Idea #6 – Use LinkedIn

We briefly mentioned social media earlier, but it’s worth returning to. In particular, you need to use your LinkedIn account to get in touch with people.

Spruce up your profile so that it displays an aura of professionalism. After that, start joining the groups that have the people you want to connect with as members. Start conversations and write articles, all with a focus on what you have to offer. You’ll soon build a business network that can generate leads, all without having to spend a single cent.

Idea #7 – Get Talking

A lot of people want to see that you can talk the talk before they’ll give you an opportunity to walk the walk. Public speaking engagements may be your pathway to getting in front of those people.

You don’t have wait for industry events, either. Something as simple as a webinar offers you the chance to talk to other business owners. If you use your speaking efforts to answer key questions, you’ll find that business owners keep coming back for more. Many of them will want to find out what you can do specifically for them.


If you’re working on a budget, these seven lead generation ideas for B2B will help you to make connections without spending too much money.

Start using these ideas today. It won’t be long before you see the positive effects of your efforts.

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