Gary V | Fubbi

Gary V


People mistakenly think that their content can draw in a ton of people on its own.

Guess what? Probably ain’t gonna happen. 

Let me explain. 

About once per month I get a call from someone who wants to be the next Gary V or Grant Cardone. 

They want their brand everywhere and anywhere. They want to be thought leaders. And they want to be perceived as such – FAST!

Yet, once I take a look under the bonnet I see they have:

  1. No traffic 
  2. No email list
  3. No social following


Whenever this happens, I prepare myself to be their reality check!

Here’s the deal…

To get thousands of leads from one piece of content, say an article, you need three things.

You need a high-quality article that people will find interesting to read.

After that, it’s crucial that you drive paid traffic to it. Organic traffic sucks (or at least it’s getting tougher) and paid ads are the way to go.

Finally, you need to direct the traffic that you get into a funnel.

Don’t believe me? A client who’s in the FinTech space paid attention to my advice and is getting GREAT results. 

The followed this “playbook” precisely.

Result: The leads flew in at such a rate that he had to pause the campaign for not having enough salespeople!

With your content, I advise that you amplify and distribute it as much as you can. This is the only way to generate thousands of leads from content (if you’re not Gary V or Grant Cardone).

Interested in writing a book?