Amplification Matters | Fubbi


Amplification Matters


In my last email, I told you about the client who had his biggest month in 7 months. 

There’s a few reasons for that. 

But please know, we’re not taking credit for this client’s result! He already had some of the pillars of Content Hacking in place to begin with.

You may know that these pillars are:

  1. Great content
  2. Funnels
  3. Amplification  (via ads, SEO, email marketing)

You could try to make your marketing work with two of the three tenets. But it’s just going to take you longer, especially without the third pillar – amplification. 

If you have great content, there’s no faster way to get leads and sales than by amplifying your content. 

Seriously. If you amplify sensibly, “instant” results are on offer! 

Now, back to our client. 

One of his assets is an email list of about 30,000 names. Like most people with an email list, he doesn’t send it enough content. 

So we suggested – as we often do – to send a 9 word email.

As you may recall, he owns a quit smoking company and this is what he sent to his list:

“Hey (Name), do you still want to quit smoking?”

Within 24 hours, he’d received some 270 responses, of which 150 wanted to learn more.

That’s the power of amplification. 

And, just like in this case, so easy to do!

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