Our writers and editors content has appeared in:

Email marketing is NOT dead
Nothing could be further from the truth. We work with hundreds of clients and email is often their most profitable channel.
And the data backs it up! If we’re talking generating sales from your content, email is the big winner hands down. Just look at this data from McKinsey.
Just Like Real Estate, Your Email List Has Equity
You’ve heard the saying: “the money is in your list”. Well, that’s actually not true. The money is in your relationship to that list. Which is why even a list of a few thousand people can yield hundreds of thousands in sales.
Your list has equity. And just like real estate it’s equity you can tap into. But in some ways it’s better than real estate because you can tap into it any time you want - instantly.
The key is having a trustworthy relationship with the people on your list. And the way you build trust - the most important way - is by continuing to give it life changing content.
Your Email List LOSES Value (If You Don’t Mail It Content)
Here’s the thing…
If you don’t regularly mail great content to your email list, it’ll lose value. Some experts claim it can depreciate by 10% per month. Wow!
We have a client with an email list of 32,000 names. It’s an email list she mails from time to time and has a good relationship with.
We calculated - and she agrees - her email list is worth about $28,000 per month... $336,000 per year - about $1 million total in sales - if she nurtures it with great content.
Pretty impressive, right?
But that also means it’s depreciating by up to $2,800 per month if she does NOT mail it.
Even worse, some email service providers automatically make someone on your email list unmailable if they don’t open an email for 3 months.
Think about that!
An Email Writing Service for Podcasters or Creators of Video Content
This particular email writing service is designed for people and companies that have a podcast or produce regular video. Why? Because with this service we’ll be using your recordings as source content for emails.
Does that mean we can’t write emails if you don’t have source content? No it doesn’t! We can still craft emails for you… it just doesn’t fall under this particular service.
It falls under another. Don’t worry about that for now. We can work all that out on a quick chat - just reach out to us with the form below.
Companies We Help

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are approximate timelines that apply to most clients we work with. They are however based on clients who are able to approve content within 1-2 business days.
Day 0: This is the day you sign on and choose a package. After you pick your package, you will be asked to fill out an onboarding questionnaire. If you know your business well it will take you 10 minutes. It's REALLY important you fill out this form as quick as possible... because it's the form we use to prepare for your Discovery Call.
Day 1-5: Your Discovery Call takes place. This is where we start to build out your content plan. By the end of this call we'll customarily ask our writing team to come up with dozens of specific topics for your approval. We'll also either assign your article outlines or put on process the writing of your articles (we decide on a case by case basis).
Day 6-9: We'll send you article outlines to approve
Day 10: Once we get your approval, we task our team to write your articles
Day 11-14: Our team sends you dozens of article topics to approve. These topics form the foundation of your content plan for months in the future.
Day 16-20: Your articles are sent to you for approval
Day 22-25: Your emails, video scripts and social posts text are ready for your approval.
Day 25-30: Your videos and social posts are designed and ready for approval
Day 27-30: Your marketing calendar is finalised
Yes at every stage you have final approval. All we ask is you reply to our approval requests within 2 weeks. Which, for most clients, is more than enough time.
If we don't hear back within 2 weeks we assume you're happy with the content and then auto-approve it for you... and continue to work on your other assets.
Side note: If you wish for us to make changes after that, it'll be at a rate of $150 per hour.
It's really simple. We'll rewrite the content until you're happy.
You'll only need to invest between 60 to 90 minutes per month for approvals. That's an average of three minutes a day over a 30 day month. Not bad :)
Yes, you can! We just need 30 days notice.
Yes if you provide us with the keywords you wish to rank for.
Yes, as standard, every piece of content is run through Copy Scape. You also get a screen shot as evidence.
Unfortunately, they do not... which is why we suggest to all clients that they batch their content submissions for the month.
Hear From Our Clients
Let's increase your sales
Got questions? Tell us a little about yourself below… and let’s have a no obligation chat.