Get Up to 10x Click Through Rate on Facebook Ads | Fubbi

Get Up to 10x Click Through Rate on Facebook Ads


Want to know how to achieve a 10x click through rate?

Here’s how we did it with one client:

Step 1 – Identify 3-4 Core Themes

This step happens so that we can see what seeds to plant and new content articles to create.

Step 2 – Craft Content

Our crew creates dozens of specific topics of content for each theme.

Typically, we do 10 topic articles per theme. So if we have 3 themes with 10 articles a piece, that’s 30 total.

The key here, though, is that each theme has a very different assumption. This means that each one has a very different appeal.

That’s so we can test lots of genuinely different things. 


Our client is in the skin rejuvenation market. Some of the themes we came up with were related to “wrinkles”. Others were related to “ageing”. 

After writing a bunch of content on the various themes, we started testing. 

Most things worked ok… but then ONE of the tests was a stand out – a click thru rate 1000% higher than everything else!

Step 3 – Create a Content Ecosystem Around The Standout

Lastly, we create a content ecosystem around that standout. This means more content around that appeal, including videos… articles… and more ads.

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