How to Get up to 25 Sales Leads from One Email (Part 1/2)


How do you get 25 leads from a single email?

I’ll show you how I do it – month in, month out!

There is a technique that works like a charm… 

It’s called the 9 Word Email.

No doubt you’ve heard me talk about the 9 Word Email before. 

I did not invent it. But I’m going to walk you through it. 

Here’s an example of us deploying it in our company…

“Hey, Alexi! We’re holding a workshop on crafting engaging book titles, would you like to join us?”

And we get people replying with “yes”. 

That is it. Simple, right? 

Sure, you still need to close these leads… but they’re leads nonetheless. 

So let me explain the thinking behind a 9 Word Email… 

At any one time, your email list has a certain number of people that are ready to buy… or are close to buying. 

But since they’re busy in their own lives, they haven’t reached out to you. 

All they need however is a gentle reminder that you’re around. 

That’s where the 9 Word Email is perfect. 

It’s as simple as that.

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