Mind reading | Fubbi

Mind reading


This morning I was scrolling on my iPhone and I saw a video that said, “Five Reasons why Macbook Users Should Buy a Chromebook.”

The moment I saw that headline I stopped. 

I was transfixed. 

Frozen in time. 

Why? Because I spilled coffee on my Macbook Air yesterday and, so, need a new computer. 

And I was debating the merits of alternative laptops, including the Chromebook. 

The timing and relevance of the video was absolutely perfect. It’s like this publisher was reading my mind!

And that’s the lesson we all need to remember. 

One of the hallmarks of truly outstanding content is laser like relevancy. It needs to feel like you’re reading your audience’s mind. 

It’s not easy to do though. 

But it’s worth it. 

So, next time you’re crafting a piece of content, remember this story.

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