Morning routine


In my last email, I talked about starting my routine the night before. That’s really the secret to my productivity… and most anybody I know that crushes their days! 

But now I want to get into the specifics of what I do each morning. 

I’m doing so in the hope you pick up a nugget or two that can help you. 

I’m NOT saying I’m perfect. Far from it. But I know it’s an area of my life I’ve invested lots of energy and focus to nail. 

Keep in mind that it varies from day to day, depending on what I have going on. And what I feel I need to get my energy up for.

So, first things first…

I’m an early riser and get up with the sun.

One of the first things I do is a quick check of email. I know you’re not supposed to do this, but I don’t get many emails in the first place – probably 10 overnight, mostly marketing emails. That’s because most communication from my team comes over on Slack… so I don’t have to worry about getting derailed. 

After that, it’s time to start my morning.

Each morning starts with coffee, either Bulletproof Coffee or just a standard black. Once I’m sufficiently caffeinated, it’s time to get the blood pumping.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays if I am in Sydney, I head down to Bondi beach for a swim and a jog. During Summer or Winter, I’m in the water – the colder the better!

Other mornings, I’ll head on down to the gym and do a quick interval workout. 

Some mornings I may start with a sauna instead… followed by a cold shower and deep breathing. 

I actually have an infrared sauna in my office – right next to my desk. Odd place, yep I know. But it’s “that” important to me, I wanted it nearby. 

And there you have it!

Then I start with work.

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