Not Getting Enough Customers?


The other day, I found myself talking to the founder of an accounting firm. He told me that he decided to pivot on his target audience.

Instead of being a “service everybody” company, he wanted to pick a single niche that he could talk to directly.

Right now, we’re working on creating a book for him that targets the niche he’s chosen. 

And from that, he’s going to have LinkedIn ads and outbound messages targeting the same audience. In the future, he might even go the Facebook ads route.

Why has he decided to focus on a niche?

Trying to be everything to everybody is not the best way to get clients to come through your door. In fact, I see it as the most common reason for why businesses struggle to get clients.

If you’re having trouble getting clients, I want you to really think about your core market.

What’s your strongest market and why?

Identify that and you can start building your marketing and content machine around that market.

Buckle that down and you’ll start generating leads. Once you’ve got that machine running at full capacity, you can start looking into other markets.

Just don’t spread yourself too thin before you have your machine in place for your core audience. If you do, you may find yourself struggling to get clients.

Interested in writing a book?