One Thing Every Winning Marketing Campaign Has in Common | Fubbi

One Thing Every Winning Marketing Campaign Has in Common


The magical quality every winning campaign has in common? 

Winners start out winning.

After decades of experience, I can tell you that either you have a winning campaign straight out of the gate.

Or you don’t.What’s 

Here’s another secret: great content isn’t ALWAYS necessary, either! I know that’s crazy for me to say given my team produce so much content. 

But it’s true. 

What I’m saying is, the campaigns that crush it out of the gates also don’t often have great content. 

Or great landing pages… or great ads… or a snazzy design!

We’re talking mediocrity across the board. 

And you know what?

Almost immediately we see for some campaigns the numbers look great from the get-go. 

So what does this mean for you?

If the numbers aren’t there for you in the beginning, you should probably walk away.

It’s that simple.

You’re tempted to revise, right?

Don’t do that. 

The end result will still probably be the same: a losing marketing campaign.

Bad starts make for bad finishes.

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