Possible to Close a $50k Sale in One Conversation? | Fubbi

Possible to Close a $50k Sale in One Conversation?


Yes, it’s doable, and I’d like to share my own experience with this.

Just recently, a client came in and signed up for our Gold package. In terms of dollars, that’s about $50,000 per year.

And guess what – he signed up on the spot!

One conversation and he was in.

It happened because I did something that I believe is the best way of getting someone excited about you. 

So excited that they won’t be able to resist becoming a client.

What did I do?

I used demonstration proof. 

He told me about a problem he was facing… and right there on the phone call I gave him the solution. 

He took my tip and tested it out. 

And it turned out to be the most impactful thing that the company did in 25 years of existence.

He got hooked and wanted more.

My message to you: share your best stuff on the spot. Of course, don’t give away ALL of it but enough to blow people’s minds away. 

Almost everything else will fall into place, including the sale.

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