The LinkedIn Framework


Here’s an interesting story.

Right now, we’re deploying a LinkedIn framework that’s crushing it. 

And we’re generating 15-20 leads per week from just one account and zero ad budget.

If you want to know how we’re doing it, listen up. 

There are three steps to this framework and they’re both really simple.

First, I have about 20,500 first-level connections on my LinkedIn profile. Better yet, most of those connections fall within my target audience.

You’re going to need plenty of first-level connections that are part of your target audience too.

That doesn’t mean that you need 20k+ of them. But you need at least 1,000 to make this work. 

I’d recommend getting a VA to help you to build those connections. You could use a software package, such as Meet Leonard. However, LinkedIn’s cracked down on those recently, so using software comes with some risks.

Either way, you need to build out your list of first-level connections who are in your target market.

Second, you’ve got to send out a message that’s on-point for your target market. It’s got to resonate with them and make them want to reply to you.

Right now, we’re focusing on writing books for clients. So, I send out a message to 50 of my connections every day asking them if they’d like a book.

Third…we scale.

Right now, I’m running this off my personal LinkedIn account. However, the goal is to have 10 accounts running at once. If we can average 50 outbound messages per day, that’s 500 that I’m sending out.

Now, imagine if we get three replies per profile per day.

That’s 30 prospects per day.

Or 150 per week.

Or…600 per month!

All people saying “talk to me”. 

Those are huge numbers with no ad budget. And it’s all for the cost of a VA.

Don’t let anybody tell you that LinkedIn is a pointless platform. When you have the right framework, you can kill it on LinkedIn.

Interested in writing a book?