What Is the Best Way to Use Surveys for Market Research? | Fubbi

What Is the Best Way to Use Surveys for Market Research?


Did you know that customer survey data can be misleading?

It’s true… and here’s when it’s misleading…

… when the majority of your respondents answer the same way and you make a business decision based on it. 

It can be wrong to do so!

That’s because… 

The majority of one or two line results have not been answered with any thought.

You are looking for survey results where you have one, two, even three instances with a survey response where the respondent is pouring their heart and soul into the answer.

You’re looking for depth and breadth. You’re looking for emotion. You’re looking for the one page response where others are responding with one or two sentences.

That is the best way to use surveys.

You’re looking for at least one instance where a particular person has dug deeper when giving you an answer.

That’s where your potential gold can be. My strongest recommendation is to look out for those responses.

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