When Content Marketing Goes Wrong | Fubbi

When Content Marketing Goes Wrong


It doesn’t matter how good somebody is at creating content, things will go off the rails every once in a while.

This happened to us recently with one of our clients.

At first, they told us they didn’t like the content. But then a month later, they absolutely loved it.

But the month after that, they hated it again.

Why does this happen and what do you do about it?

I want you to remember this:

Create outlines.

If you ever hire a writer or writing crew, this will save your bacon. It will also save a bunch of frustration for your writers. 

In this client’s case, the client didn’t check the outlines or the references. They just approved it. So, of course, the trusty Fubbi team went ahead and created content on a weak foundation. 

It would be the same as trying to build a house without having an architect drawing up plans. 

Would never happen, right?

So, before you start creating content, create an outline first. If you have a team producing content for you, always check the outlines to verify they match your needs.

It’s simple enough. 

Do that and you can get exactly what you need.

If you’re not happy with the result, 99.9% of the time you’ll be able to spot it at the outline level. 

So don’t ignore the outlines.

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