About Us Test | Fubbi

February 11, 2021

Email Is King

For the most part, email gives you a lot of control and something you can lean on when other things stop working . So build your list… and nurture your list with great content. 
February 11, 2021

Tweaking Your Funnel

I spend $7,000-8,000 on ads and I get all of that back almost instantly. As you may know, we’re working towards a spend of $100,000 per month.  So you might have been hearing about the evolution of that funnel and thinking “I want that!”.  Yep, I am sure you do lol.  But here is reality… please listen up as I don’t want to create a false impression.
February 11, 2021

Self-Liquidated Funnels

I’d like to tell you a story about a client and friend.  In just 24 months, he built a business that pulls in $5 million a month.  Yes, two years. Now, there are many reasons for his success. But there’s one in particular that I’d like to focus on. Self-liquidated funnels.
January 7, 2021

Customising Autoresponders

Some of the people on your list are miles away from buying. For those people, do NOT pitch.  For others on your list, they’re waiting to spend money with you… they NEED an offer. So offer them something! But how can you know the difference? Let me show you one of the ways we do it with our book writing service. 
January 7, 2021

Great Content is Brand Familiarity

So just keep that in mind… if you’re struggling to convert sales. You either: 1. Need to ramp up your sales skills never a bad idea) 2. Slow down and don’t sell to people too soon - give them time to experience some of your awesomeness over email and social.
December 8, 2020

$6 million per month

Ya see, having great content is important. Sure. In fact, it’s critical.  But what you DO with the content is almost as important.  And of the things this client does with our content is monitor what works. 
December 8, 2020

Content Priorities

If you follow my podcasts or read these emails, you know how I feel about content marketing. t’s best used to support funnels and ads.  But what happens when you invert it and make content the priority? 
December 8, 2020

Incentivising and Tracking Output

By the time they get to the originally assembled batches, the leaves are everywhere again. And I see this happen every Tuesday morning time and again. Because these council workers are not on the hook for the quality or the number of leaves collected, they just keep doing the same thing.
December 8, 2020

The One’s Influence

I touched on the concept of The One in my last email. As you recall, I relayed a conversation I had with my successful cousin. Here is what he said to me...
November 25, 2020

The One

It’s not necessarily about building a company complete with A players... or filled entirely with great people.  Sure, that’s awesome if you can pull it off.  But more important is to find The One - that special person that is a leader and can lift the performance of groups of people. 
November 25, 2020

Explosive results from content

I want to delve a little deeper into the subject of funnels and content. More specifically, I want to address the common thought that content alone generates leads. It’s true - content can generate leads. But for most companies it’s a half truth.  Let me explain.
November 25, 2020

Zuck’s productivity secret

In my last email I talked about batching… and why it’s so important for being productive.  Well, today, I’m going to talk about probably one of the most productive humans alive today.  Mark Zuckerberg.  In an interview with Reid Hoffman (Founder of LinkedIn), Zuck mentioned that he’s always asking himself one question… 

About Us

Fubbi officially launched in 2017.

The concept and most of our team really came together 4 years ago when our Chief Strategist, Alexi Neocleous, was the C.M.O (and, effectively, on most days, President) of a supplement company that grew from $300,000 to $3 million per month in sales - in about 6 months!

Not surprisingly, such astounding growth meant things quickly became… crazy. Almost overnight we were dealing with hundreds of support tickets… we outgrew our CRM… servers kept crashing… funnels stopped working… inventory management became a nightmare - the list went on and on.

We excelled at generating new customers, but such growth made it almost impossible to nurture and engage with our existing customer base. We could never find the time to build our community. There were holes in our content marketing and our social media efforts.

So if at the time somebody came to him with an offer such as Fubbi’s he would have taken it in a heartbeat!

Because while we were experiencing all these growing pains, we were also committed to our over $1m per month on media and generating new customers. Plus we had over 40 people in our customer support and telemarketing – and their systems still needed lots of streamlining. All of this required Alexi’s attention.

Fortunately, over the years, he had built up an absolutely amazing team of copywriters, content marketers, programmers and web designers. So he brought the “band back together” and rolled them into the supplement company.

This saved us undertaking a huge recruitment drive and never ending interviews and trial positions. It also saved us from getting distracted from areas of our business that really needed attention.

Plugging in Alexi’s team made ALL the difference.

Within weeks we had created the basis of a content machine. We started to get our message on social. We were getting sales and marketing funnels back up. We were communicating with customers better.

Because we had all worked together before, we didn’t need to go through the usual months of working out our systems and culture. We hit the ground running.

It was THIS experience that made Alexi wonder if other companies and people faced with a similar situation. Maybe not experiencing such astounding growth but where they’re busy enough running their business that they don’t have the time or resources to build out their online team.

The team we plug into your business is much of the same team that we installed into the supplement company. And since we have the experience and knowledge depth to handle absurd rates of growth, it almost certainly means we can handle any challenges your business is experiencing.

Let's increase your sales

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