March 25, 2020

Worst Email Marketing Advice Ever

You need to have segments based on a range of factors. Age, income, industry, business size, and more can help to distinguish who you’re talking to.
March 25, 2020

Get More Emails Opened

If you do email marketing, you know it’s getting tougher to get ROI. It largely has to do with the low rate of opened emails. How do you fight against this? Up your game! And one way to up your game is to up your subject lines. Here are some killer subject lines:
March 25, 2020

Creating Podcast Content

Nothing is as powerful than being able to show the results you get for people.  And in a podcast context, interviewing students is a GREAT idea. It’s also a GREAT time saver.
March 25, 2020

Should You Run Ads?

Ads allow you to create micro-communities out of your audiences. You can select those who interact with you the most and advertise to them. This can work wonders for conversions.
March 25, 2020

Designing a Content Plan

If you don’t already know, BuzzSumo is an awesome platform that gives you the most viral content for any keyword. Most people simply type in a keyword and get content ideas from there. But that’s not the right path. BuzzSumo doesn’t give ideas – it gives themes. Let me explain with a client’s example.
March 20, 2020

$100k a Month

The more quality content that you put out on a regular basis, the more stable the income that you can expect. If you can avoid bombarding people with sales offers, you can create a genuine community that will pay you back for the value that you create.
March 20, 2020

Sad Story

It’s about a company that’s invested a lot in their content machine. They have millions of video views and over 171,000 fans on Facebook.  And, still, they’re struggling for leads and bleeding money.  Why? Well, there’s a few reasons.  But there’s one key mistake they’re making that I see companies make all the time.  Before I tell you, a quick refresher… As you may know, Content Hacking has three components:
March 20, 2020

Genius thinking?

So how did I identify their best opportunity? Using the 80/20 principle. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It means that 20% of your input creates 80% of the output. But pay attention. I did something slightly different. 
March 20, 2020

How Do You Make Content Go Viral?

There’s a valuable lesson here that I want you to learn. You can make your content go viral simply by targeting influencers. They don’t have to be Will Smith or The Rock, just anyone who matters in your niche and who has a big following.
March 20, 2020

When to give up on a sales lead?

Here’s the thing – we all know that we’re overly marketed to. People are constantly bombarded by content. It’s logical for them to take their time before they make a decision. What I suggest you do is taking a look at your hottest leads that turn into clients.
March 20, 2020

Facebook Pixel vs. Brand Awareness

Bottom line: if you can’t sell - or worse, the word “sell” is more akin to a 4 letter word for you - then probably best you focus on brand building. 
March 20, 2020

El Chapo’s Wife’s Instagram Account

I believe that there’s a lesson here for all of us to learn, especially if you’re running a business. We need to stop thinking about social media in the same way that we did 5-10 years ago.
March 20, 2020

Increase Sales with Media Mentions

It’s exciting to see your company mentioned in the media. But let’s face it: media mentions don’t always lead to sales.  That’s why you should take a screenshot of the mastheads and put them on your homepage!
March 20, 2020

Make Content Easier to Repurpose

Repurposing content has amazing leverage! But getting more bang for your buck may seem like a daunting task. Here are a couple of quick and easy ways to simplify the process.
March 20, 2020

Top Content Frameworks for Publicity

As humans, we’re very emotional creatures. And we’re also very voyeuristic. Choose the human angle over numbers and exponential growth story. It’s a better read and engages the audience.
March 19, 2020

How Important Is Regular Content?

There are two reasons why you need to produce regular content. First reason has to do with trust.  The second reason has to do with how many people actually see your content. Let me throw some figures at you.
March 19, 2020

The Best Use of PR

I believe the best use of PR is to increase the perception of your brand.  In other words, use PR for credibility. When you’re consistently in the media, you share your thoughts about your industry and your expertise.  And when people see that consistently, they start thinking of you as a leader…  Specifically, a thought leader.
March 19, 2020

Which social platforms you should publish on

Email WAS a great channel to speak exclusively to your audience. But those days are gone. If you’re only talking to your audience over email, you’re definitely missing out on attention.
March 19, 2020

“Drama” in the air

I’m going to talk about something you probably won’t read anywhere else. I’m going to talk about creating drama in your content. Yes, drama. And I'm going to show you an example.

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